Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

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Lesson 3 - Invertebrate features

Lesson 3 - External features of invertebrates

Learning intention

We are learning about the external features of invertebrates.

Success criteria

We can recognise and record the features of spiders and insects.

Activity 1

What is an invertebrate?

Invertebrates are animals that don't have a back bone.

Many invertebrates have a skeleton on the outside called an exoskeleton.

Invertebrates with exoskeletons have legs to help them move.

Other invertebrates, like worms and slugs, have an hydrostatic skeleton and use their muscles and other features to move.

  • How many different types of invertebrates can you name?

Activity 2

Collecting invertebrates | Field of Mars EEC (2:01min) | Video transcript | YouTube

How can we safely collect invertebrates?

  • View the Collecting invertebrates video.

  • Ask an adult for permission to collect invertebrates from your place.

  • How does the code for caring help to protect the animal and keep you safe?

  • Tip – if you can't go outside check around your windows and window sills for small invertebrates to observe. Don't touch spiders, bees or wasps.

Equipment needed

  • A large tray, old white sheet or towel, trowel or small shovel, paintbrush, sticks, plastic jar or icecream container.

Activity 3

How can you identify the invertebrates you have found?

Activity 4

Many invertebrates make their homes under fallen leaves or in the soil.

  • View the beetle drawing and the spider drawing as an example of how to draw an invertebrate.
  • Draw one invertebrate you found on the ground.
  • Label the invertebrate's external features.

Activity 5

What are the features of a tree living invertebrate?

Some invertebrates live in trees, making their homes on the leaves and branches. Draw one invertebrate you found in a tree.

  • Label the invertebrate's external features.

  • Compare the features of your two drawn invertebrates. How are they similar or different?

Activity 6

Making a spider out of paper | Field of Mars EEC (0:42min) | YouTube

How can we make an invertebrate model?

  • View the Making a spider out of paper video.

  • Make a model of an invertebrate using sticks, leaves, paper, cardboard or lego.

  • Include all of its external features.

  • Take a photo and send it to two friends and your teacher.

Equipment needed

  • Sticks, leaves, paper, cardboard, modelling clay or small blocks such as Lego.