Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Telephone02 9816 1298

Place and liveability excursion program

Teacher checklist



Wallumedegal Country

Start and finish at Mill Park, Rhodes

Google mapsApple maps

Provide bus drivers with bus information for Mill Park
Meadowbank risk management plan

2025 DoE $26 per student - GST free

2025 Non-gov school cost $36 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750

Schools are to confirm the number of students and classes at least 7 days prior to attending. Schools will be charged based on the number of students confirmed or number of students who attend on the day (whichever is greater). 

Worksheet Please contact the centre for a copy of the student worksheet.

Participants will be walking all day in an outdoor urban environment.

Wheelchair accessible.

This excursion may not be suitable for people who have recently been unwell.

Toilets are limited at this site and only available at the beginning and end of the day, and during breaks.


Backpack, clipboard, phone, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, wet weather gear, hat, sports uniform, comfortable shoes.

There are no shops near the study site.

Preparation and supporting resources View Preparing for an excursion video
Bin access

All student waste to be taken home by students.

Medical or special needs

Notify Field of Mars staff prior to excursion.

Students, staff and visitors must not attend if unwell, even with mild symptoms. 

Extreme or wet whether

Days predicted to be above 35ºC, high winds, extreme bush fire danger and dust storms may result in the excursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. 


Cancellations with less than 30 working school days notice will incur a $600 administration fee. 

Cancellations with less than 7 working school days notice will incur the full cost for the program based on the original booking. 

Cancellations due to weather or fire danger are exempt from fees. 

Suggested timetable

Timetable suitable for up to 8 classes. Exact times may vary.



9.30 - 10.00

Arrive at Mill Park

Introduction at Helene Park or Mill Park

Recess, toilets and equipment distributed

10.00 - 11:30 Walk and fieldwork activities
11.30 - 12.00

Break 1 at a scenic spot on the Parramatta River

12.00 - 1:30

Walk and fieldwork activities

1:30 - 1:50 Break 2
1:50 - 2:15

Conclusion and depart at Mill Park

Learning activities 

Students explore the diverse and dynamic suburb of Meadowbank to engage in place-based inquiry examining the cultural, social, economic, infrastructural and environmental factors that influence its liveability. The excursion commences with a panoramic view of the suburb to contextualise the study. Students conduct a liveability survey, stopping at sites of interest to collect qualitative and quantitative data using specialised fieldwork equipment. This data will be analysed and discussed with respect to varying perceptions of liveability. 

Inquiry questions

  • How can we measure, assess and rank liveability?
  • What effect does environmental quality, access to services and facilities, and social connectedness have on the liveability of Meadowbank?
  • How might perceptions of liveability differ between social groups?

Fieldwork activities

This program offers Stage 4 students with an authentic opportunity to develop their fieldwork skills and use specialised scientific equipment. Students will engage in multiple fieldwork activities using digital and non-digital geographic tools to measure, assess and evaluate the liveability of Meadowbank and the Parramatta River foreshore.

Mapping and field sketch

The excursion commences with exploratory and observational activities which develop students' sense of place. Students will examine a map of the location, conduct a field sketch of the whole study area, and make predictions as they draw visual comparisons.

Liveability and community survey

Students will conduct a walking survey of Shepherds Bay in Meadowbank to quantify and qualify the built and natural features of the suburb across a range of liveability criteria including social, cultural, economic and environmental factors. Students will use scientific equipment to measure environmental quality including light, sound, wind speed, and temperature in two sites.

Living river assessment

Students engage in a case study of swimming in the Parramatta River, using historical photos and water quality testing methods to examine how urbanisation has impacted environmental quality, and how this in turn has impacted liveability for surrounding suburbs.

Data processing and reflection

Through discussion, students will collectively analyse their data and draw personal evaluations on the liveability of each study site. Students will be encouraged to engage in deep thinking as they reflect of their own perceptions of liveability and how this influences conclusions drawn.

Syllabus outcomes and content

NSW Geography K-10 Syllabus (2015) 


  • locates and describes the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places and environments GE4-1
  • explains how interactions and connections between people, places and environments result in change GE4-3
  • examines perspectives of people and organisations on a range of geographical issues GE4-4
  • explains differences in human wellbeing GE4-6
  • acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using geographical tools for inquiry GE4-7
  • communicates geographical information using a variety of strategies GE4-8


Influences and perceptions


  • investigate factors influencing perceptions of the liveability of places  

Access to services and facilities


  • investigate the influence of accessibility to services and facilities on the liveability of places

Environmental quality


  • investigate the impact of environmental quality on the liveability of places



  • investigate the influence of social connectedness and community identity on the liveability of places   

Enhancing liveability


  • investigate strategies used to enhance the liveability of places using examples from different countries    

Geography K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2015