Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

AR Adaptations incursion

AR Adaptations incursion

Science and Technology - updated for 2024 syllabus

AR Adaptations is a full day Stage 3 incursion that explores the structural and behavioural adaptations of invertebrates. 

Students will explore the natural areas of your school collecting invertebrates, observing their features and making inferences about adaptations. 

They will use a range of technologies to draw an invertebrate, create an invertebrate in augmented reality (AR) and narrate an informative video about its adaptations.

Maximum 2 classes per day (3 classes if less than 70 students).

Adaptations is also explored in a 2 hour adaptaions incursion and a full day excurison to the Field of Mars Reserve.


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