Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Lesson 3 - Explaining adaptations

Lesson 3 - Explaining adaptations

Learning intention

We are learning to identify and explain adaptations of living things.

Success criteria

We can locate and gather information about the adaptations of living things.

We can identify and describe examples of adaptations of living things.

We can follow a scaffolded template to write an explanation of an adaptation.

How can we communicate our understanding of adaptations of living things?

Although observing a structure or behaviour of a living thing might be an easy thing to do, explaining exactly how the structure or behaviour is an adaptation isn't so simple.

View the video below of Dr Watson and Sherlock Holmes to learn about what makes an effective explanation. Learn how to compose one using the wombat as an example.

Activity 1

The adpatation of the living thing | Field of Mars EEC (4:41 min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Activity 2

Researching and writing an explanation

  1. Read and review Sherlock's explanation formula and the sample explanation provided. Can you locate each part of Sherlock's formula?

  2. Browse the Field of Mars EEC fact sheets and select one plant or animal you would like to study. Read the fact sheet and gather information about the living thing's adaptations.

  3. Use Sherlock's explanation formula to write an explanation explaining how the adaptations of the living thing helps it survive.

  4. Read your written explanation out to someone you know. Alternatively, you might like to film yourself reading your explanation and show the recording to your teacher.

  5. Check to see if your audience member understood your explanation.