Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

The art of wellbeing excursion program

Teacher checklist


Field of Mars Reserve, Pittwater Road, East Ryde

Wallumedegal Country

Google maps - Apple maps

Supply bus driver with Field of Mars Reserve bus information

No bus entry into Field of Mars Reserve.

Field of Mars Reserve risk management plan

View the YouTube track overview videos.

Buffalo Creek Track

Doyle and Warada loop track


2025 DoE $25 per student - GST free

2025 Non-gov school cost $35 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750

Term 1 - Catholic school Weeks 3 to 7  cost = DoE cost - GST free, minimum charge $750

Schools are to confirm the number of students and classes at least 7 days prior to attending. Schools will be charged based on the number of students confirmed or number of students who attend on the day (whichever is greater). 


Participants will be bushwalking during the day in rugged terrain.

Limited wheelchair accessibility.

This excursion may not be suitable for people who have recently been unwell.


Backpack, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, raincoat, hat, sturdy shoes.

Students wear reusable name tag and sports uniform.


Preparing for an excursion

Supporting resources

Animal and plant fact sheets
Bin access

All student waste to be taken home by students.

Parent/carer helpers Optional one parent per class, no siblings. Closed shoes essential. 
Medical or special needs

Notify Field of Mars staff prior to excursion.

Students, staff and visitors must not attend if unwell, even with mild symptoms. 

Extreme or wet weather

Days predicted to be above 35ºC, high winds, extreme bush fire danger and dust storms may result in the excursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. 


Cancellations with less than 30 working school days notice will incur a $600 administration fee. 

Cancellations with less than 7 working school days notice will incur the full cost for the program based on the original booking. 

Cancellations due to weather or fire danger are exempt from fees. 

Suggested timetable for up to four classes


Classes A, B

Classes C, D

9:45 - 10.30

Introduction, recess and toilets

Introduction, recess and toilets

10.30 - 12.00

Boardwalk art making and wellbeing activities.

Bush walk well-being activities and art making. 

12.00 - 12.30



12.30 - 2.00

Bush walk well-being activities and art making. 

Boardwalk art making and wellbeing activities.

2.00 - 2.15

Pack up, toilets and depart

Pack up, toilets and depart

Learning activities

Students will bushwalk through the Field of Mars Reserve while undertaking a series of wellbeing and visual arts activities. They will participate in immersive  nature connection wellbeing activities inspired by the Japanese practice of Forest Bathing. Students will undertake a variety of art making opportunities inspired by nature looking at the elements of line and pattern.

Key questions

  • What are the features of the living and non living things in this area?
  • How can I represent the qualities of things around me?
  • How can I take action to enhance my own wellbeing? 


Visual arts
The focus of the bushwalk is to explore different places within the natural environment as inspiration for art making. Students will experiment with media such as drawing, water colour painting and print making.

Activities on the walk will facilitate close examination of nature to encourage awe and wonder of the living world and discover how these patterns, shapes and textures can be used in the art making process. This is a unique opportunity for students to make art works while out in the natural environment. 

Wellbeing in nature - Forest Bathing 
There is a growing body of evidence that shows that spending time in nature contributes to our sense of wellbeing. Japanese Forest Bathing is a wellness practice that involves mindfulness in nature as a way of promoting mental wellbeing and reducing stress. Noticing and slowing down helps promote a sense of calm.

The mindfulness techniques used on the day provide practical tools for students to actively maintain their personal wellbeing back in their own school setting.

Take students out into nature and give them hands-on experience!

Syllabus outcomes and content

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-10 syllabus (2024)

Identity, health and wellbeing


  • explains how related factors influence identity, health and wellbeing PH2-IHW-01

Decisions and actions promote health and wellbeing


  • Engage in and propose ways to increase opportunities for outdoor activities and explain the benefits to learning and wellbeing

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus (2024)

Visual arts


  • makes artworks using art forms to represent subject matter and ideas, and describes ways artists convey ideas about their world to audiences through artworks CA2-VIS-01

Making: Artists represent their world through subject matter and ideas in artworks

  • Represent subject matter and ideas in artworks, making choices based on own interpretations of the world
  • Use drawing materials and techniques to create effects with texture and tone to represent subject matter and ideas

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024

Syllabus outcomes and content

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-10 syllabus (2018)

Healthy, Safe and Active Lifestyles 


  • investigates and participates in physical activities to promote the benefits of physical activity on health and wellbeing


How can I take action to enhance my own and others’ health, safety, wellbeing and participation in physical activity? 

  • identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing 
  • examine the effects of physical activity on the mind and body 

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus (2006)

Visual arts



  • Represents the qualities of experiences and things that are interesting or beautiful by choosing among aspects of subject matter. VAS2.1 
  • Uses the forms to suggest the qualities of subject matter. VAS2.2 


  • select and explore different aspects of subject matter in particular ways in their making of artworks 

Other syllabus links

Learning experiences will also support but not explicitly teach the following outcomes and content:

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus (2017) 

Living world


  • compares features and characteristics of living and non-living things ST2-4LW-S 

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2006

Personal Development, Health and Physical Education K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2018

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017