Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Lesson 1 - Features and habitats

Lesson 1 - Animal features and habitats

Learning intention

We are learning about animals' features and habitats.

Success criteria

We can name some features of animals that help them live in their environment.

Activity 1

Animals in the Field of Mars Reserve | Field of Mars EEC (1:47min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Where do animals live in the bush?

Animals are found in many places.

Some animals live in the soil and leaf litter. Other animals live in and around water, some in rock crevices and on rock walls. Many animals make their homes in trees. The place an animal makes it home is called a habitat.

  • View the Animals in the Field of Mars Reserve video.

  • What animals did you see? Where did they live?

  • Go outside. Can you find any animals living near you?

Activity 2

Features of animals in Field of Mars Reserve | Field of Mars EEC (1:16min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Why do animals live in different places?

Animals live in places that provide them with food, water and shelter. To live in these places, animals have a variety of features. Some animals blend into their surroundings. This is called camouflage.

  • View the Features of animals in Field of Mars Reserve video.
  • What animals did you see?

  • Can you name one feature of each animal that helps it live in its environment?