Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Lesson 3 - Observations

Lesson 3 - Observations

Learning intention

We are learning different ways we can record observations and features.

Success criteria

We have made a leaf rubbing showing the features of leaves.

Activity 1

Recording observations | Field of Mars EEC (1:03min) | Video transcript | YouTube

How can we record our observations?

We can learn about places by looking at their features.

We can record observations in different ways.

  • View the Recording observations video.
  • How do you like to record what you see and how you feel?

Activity 2

Making a leaf rubbing | Field of Mars EEC (1:03min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Make a leaf rubbing

A fun way to record the features of leaves is by making a leaf rubbing.

  • View the Making a leaf rubbing video.
  • Collect leaves from the ground.
  • Feel their texture.
  • Look at their shapes and colours.
  • Have they been eaten? Are there any lumps or small webs?
  • Make a leaf rubbing to record their features.

Materials needed

  • Paper
  • Crayons or coloured powders
  • Leaves collected from outside.