Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Teacher checklist

One day workshop - Stage 2 and 3

Date - Coming soon


Field of Mars Reserve, Pittwater Road, East Ryde

Wallumedegal Country

Google maps - Apple maps

Schools are required to organise transport for students to and from the location. No vehicles are permitted into Field of Mars Reserve.

Parking is available in the car park on Pittwater Road.

Field of Mars Reserve risk management plan

$60 per student - GST free

This will be processed through the student's home school.

This program is only available to NSW Department of Education school students.


View the YouTube track overview videos.

Buffalo Creek Track

Doyle and Warada loop track


Participants will be walking during the day in on an accessible boardwalk

Wheelchair accessible.

This excursion may not be suitable for people who have recently been unwell.


Backpack, medication, low-waste food, water bottle, sunblock, raincoat, hat, sturdy shoes.

Students wear reusable name tag and sports uniform. 


Preparing for an excursion

Supporting resources

Invertebrate Explorer - available free from Apple Books.

Fact sheets

Bin access

All student waste to be taken home by students.

Medical or special needs

Notify EEC staff prior to excursion. 

Students, staff and visitors must not attend if unwell, even with mild symptoms. 

Extreme or wet weather

Days predicted to be above 35ºC, high winds, extreme bush fire danger and dust storms may result in the excursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. 


Cancellations with less than four school weeks' notice will be charged the full fee. This does not apply to cancellations due to weather or fire danger.

How to book Teachers are to complete the booking form for participating students.

Suggested timetable



9.30 - 9.45 Introduction and ice breaker activities
9.45 - 10.00 Recess
10.00 - 11.00

Nature watch

11.00 - 12.00 Animation studio 
12.00 - 12.30 Lunch
12.30 - 1.30 Animation studio
1.30 - 2.00 Post production
2.15 Depart

Learning activities 

Students will create an animation that is inspired by nature using a variety of digital tools.

Key questions

How can we use digital tools to represent nature in the form of an animation?


Nature watch

Students will be immersed in nature exploring the Field of Mars Reserve boardwalk. During the walk, students will investigate and record the characteristics of the forest in a nature journal. Activities on the walk will facilitate close examination of nature to encourage awe and wonder of the living world.

Inspired by nature, students will begin exploring animation through the creation of a flip book animation.

Character design

Based on their observations, students will utilise a digital pencil connected to an iPad and a variety of apps to create a digital drawing. This drawing will be utilised throughout the day.


Students will create a storyboard for their animation outlining the story, key scenes, camera angles, character positions, and animation techniques. This helps to create a visual roadmap to guide the animators.

Animation studio

Students will delve into the realm of 2D animation, learning how to animate their character drawings over a digital backdrop.

They will investigate various techniques to manipulate their character drawings, simulating movement.

Building on their previous exploration, students will transition their digital drawings into the physical realm. They will construct a model based on their original drawing and employ stop motion animation techniques to animate the model.

Post production

Students will employ a diverse range of cinematography techniques to edit and enhance their animation.

Students will be taught how to use iMovie for editing and to combine separate animations. They will learn how to sequence, adjust timing, add titles, add captions, modify sound, and add appropriate background music.

Time pending, some of the students’ finished animation projects will be played to the group

All animations and digital drawings will be shared back to their school via Google Drive.

Maximum 4 students per school.

Workshop capacity 40 students (40 spots remaining)

Syllabus outcomes and content

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus (2024) - Stage 2

Visual arts


  • makes artworks using art forms to represent subject matter and ideas, and describes ways artists convey ideas about their world to audiences through artworks CA2-VIS-01

Making: Artists represent their world through subject matter and ideas in artworks

  • Represent subject matter and ideas in artworks, making choices based on own interpretations of the world
  • Explore digital tools to make or manipulate still or moving images, text and/or sounds
  • Explore balance, scale and proportion in compositions to represent subject matter and ideas

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus (2024) - Stage 3

Visual Arts


  • makes artworks in intentional ways to represent ideas about their world, and explains ways artists are influenced by contexts and how artworks are interpreted by audiences CA3-VIS-01


Making: Artists represent their world in intentional ways through their artmaking practice

  • Apply understandings of materials, digital technologies and processes to represent intended ideas in artworks
  • Explore artistic conventions and ways to represent subject matter and ideas in compositions
  • Demonstrate safe artmaking practices with respect for physical, social, digital and cultural safety

Creative Arts K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2024