Learning activities
Students undertake geographical inquiry in bushland to investigate its features, human influences and natural values.
Inquiry questions
What are the geographical features of the Field of Mars Reserve or Lane Cove National Park?
How is the reserve managed for people, places and the environment?
What actions can be undertaken to sustainably manage the nature reserves into the future?
Create a catchment
Students will be introduced to the day's inquiry by creating a natural model of a catchment area. Scenarios that replicate human activites are investigated and impacts observed to develop student knowledge and understanding.
Waterways investigations
Students will investigate Buffalo Creek or Kittys Creek. Plant surveys will explore how pollutants have modified the riparian zone and animal surveys will lead students to understand how the health of a waterway supports the needs of aquatic and terrestrial animal species. Chemical and physical water testing will be conducted to assess the water quality the creek.
Bushland investigations
The way people use and value urban bushland sites are key considerations for how they are managed. The Field of Mars Reserve and Lane Cove National Parks are managed as a wildlife refuge. Students will develop greater understanding in how people influence natural areas through bushland exploration and immersing themselves into the activities people enjoy in the reserve.