Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Factors that shape places excursion

Factors that shape places excursion


How is the Field of Mars Reserve managed for people and the environment?

During this excursion Stage 3 students will undertake geographical inquiry in the Field of Mars Reserve to investigate the factors that have shaped the reserve and to consider how management practices will shape the reserve into the future.  

To develop deep understanding in these issues students will use geographical fieldwork tools and methods to collect primary data. Chemical and physical water quality testing, habitat assessments, vegetation surveys and reflecting on the way people use and value urban bushland will provide students with opportunities for higher-order thinking.

Analysis and reflection will enable students to make connections between the reserve’s natural characteristics, human influences and current management strategies. Presenting dilemmas will encourage problem solving and critical thinking as students consider sustainable management strategies for the reserve.

Recommended maximum 4 classes per day.

This program can also operate as an incursion if your school has access to nearby suitable areas.


  • Field of Mars Reserve