Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Lesson 2 - Animal features

Lesson 2 - Features of animals

Learning intention

We are learning about the features of animals.


Success criteria

We can label the external features of a possum and lizard.

Activity 1

Features of a ringtail possum | Field of Mars EEC (0:54min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Animals that live in the trees

Ringtail possums live in shrubs and trees. They have a long prehensile tail that can hold onto branches.

  • Watch the Features of a ringtail possum video.

  • What features help ringtail possums move through the trees?

Activity 2

Features of a blue-tongue lizard | Field of Mars EEC (1:07min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Animals that live on the ground

Blue-tongue lizards live on the ground. They have flat body to help move though thick ground cover plants and under rocks and logs.

  • Watch the Features of a blue-tongue lizard video.

  • Name three features that help blue-tongue lizards stay safe from predators.