Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

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Lesson 4 - Documentary studio

Lesson 4 - Documentary studio

Learning intention

We are learning to edit our nature documentary.

Success criteria

We can use a video editing app.

Activity 1

Editing your documentary

There are lots of different apps you can use to edit your nature documentary. We are going to use iMovie on iPad however most editing apps work in similar ways.


  • View the nature documentary checklist to identify the important features your documentary needs to include.
  • Follow the iMovie editing sequence to construct your nature documentary.

Title sequence 


  1. Select a video to use as your title.
  2. Tap the clip in the timeline so a yellow editing box appears.  Drag the edges of the clip to change its duration.
  3. Select title in the action bar and add a title to your clip.

Adding voiceover and clips


  1. Record the voiceover for your first scene.
  2. Listen to your voiceover.
  3. Add video clips to match your voiceover. Duration between 3 and 10 seconds per clip.

Remove background sounds


  1. Tap the clip to activate editing.
  2. Reduce the volume to 0.
  3. Repeat for every video clip.

Adding photos


  1. View photos in media library. Select to add to timeline.
  2. Select photo in timeline. Reduce duration of photos to 2 seconds.
  3. Add caption title to photos.

Visual content


  1. Record your next voiceover.
  2. Add video clips, photos and captions.
  3. Repeat until all visual content has been added.

Adding background music


  1. Access music in the audio library and add to your documentary.
  2. Select background music so yellow editing box appears.
  3. Reduce volume of background music.

Activity 2


Play your nature documentary to other students in your class.


  • Ask other students to provide feedback to your group using the nature documentary checklist.
  • Based on feedback continue editing your nature documentary.

action bar

background music

caption title


