Learning activities
Session A - Tools and technologies workshop
In this session, students will conduct a series of short scientific investigations exploring how Aboriginal Peoples utilise forces in their everyday life.
During these investigations, students will create, use, and test a range of traditional tools and technologies, including the use of fire drills to generate heat, grinding stones to create stone tools, and nulla nullas to facilitate hunting.
Through guided questioning, students will make inferences about the application of the knowledge of forces in these everyday activities and record their findings in a student workbook.
Session B - Simple machine investigation - Woomera
In this session, students will gain an experiential understanding of how Aboriginal Peoples utilise simple machines in their everyday lives by investigating the traditional practice of spear throwing among Aboriginal Peoples.
After being introduced to the woomera and its use as a lever, students will conduct a short scientific experiment to compare the distance of throwing a spear with and without the aid of a woomera. Students will collect and record primary data in a workbook.