Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Forces incursion program

Teacher checklist


Your school


DoE $20 per student - GST free

Non-gov school $26 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750

Schools are to confirm the number of students and classes at least 7 days prior to attending. Schools will be charged based on the number of students confirmed or number of students who attend on the day (whichever is greater). 

Risk assessment Risk management plan
School preparation  Please provide one large outdoor space and one large indoor or sheltered learning space (for example, hall or double classroom) for all participating classes for the duration of the day.
Supporting resources

Coming soon

Medical or special needs

Notify Field of Mars staff prior to incursion. 

Students, staff and visitors must not attend if unwell, even with mild symptoms. 

Extreme or wet weather

Days predicted to be above 35ºC, high winds, extreme bush fire danger and dust storms may result in the incursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. 


Cancellations with less than 30 working school days notice will incur a $600 administration fee. 

Cancellations with less than 7 working school days notice will incur the full cost for the program based on the original booking. 

Cancellations due to weather or fire danger are exempt from fees. 

Program timing

Program length is 1.5 hours in total. These activities can run in either order. 



45 mins

Session A - Tools and technologies workshop

Location - Large indoor space or sheltered outdoor area

45 mins

Session B - Simple machine (woomera) investigation

Location - Oval or large, open outdoor space

Suggested timetable

Sessions can be run up to three times in a day. Maximum 6 classes per day.

Suggested time


9.30 - 11.00

Classes A and D

11.30 - 1.00

Classes B and E

1.30 - 3.00

Classes C and F

Learning activities

Session A - Tools and technologies workshop

In this session, students will conduct a series of short scientific investigations exploring how Aboriginal Peoples utilise forces in their everyday life.

During these investigations, students will create, use, and test a range of traditional tools and technologies, including the use of fire drills to generate heat, grinding stones to create stone tools, and nulla nullas to facilitate hunting.

Through guided questioning, students will make inferences about the application of the knowledge of forces in these everyday activities and record their findings in a student workbook.

Session B - Simple machine investigation - Woomera

In this session, students will gain an experiential understanding of how Aboriginal Peoples utilise simple machines in their everyday lives by investigating the traditional practice of spear throwing among Aboriginal Peoples.

After being introduced to the woomera and its use as a lever, students will conduct a short scientific experiment to compare the distance of throwing a spear with and without the aid of a woomera. Students will collect and record primary data in a workbook.

Syllabus outcomes and content

Science 7-10 Syllabus (2023)


A student:

  • SC4-FOR-01 describes the effects of forces in everyday contexts

  • SC4-WS-02 identifies questions and makes predictions to guide scientific investigations

  • SC4-WS-05 uses a variety of ways to process and represent data

  • SC4-WS-06 uses data to identify trends, patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions

  • SC4-WS-07 identifies problem-solving strategies and proposes solutions



Simple machines in everyday life

  • Identify examples of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ application of Knowledge about forces

Working scientifically

Questioning and predicting

  • Identify questions and problems that can be investigated scientifically

Conducting investigations

  • Assemble and use appropriate equipment and resources to perform an investigation

  • Follow the planned procedure, including the measurement and control of variables

  • Record observations and measurements accurately, using correct units for physical quantities

Processing data and information

  • Use a range of representations to organise data, including graphs, keys, models, diagrams, tables and spreadsheets

  • Calculate the mean and range of a dataset

Science and Technology 7-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2023