Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Lesson 2 - Classification keys

Lesson 2 - Classificiation keys

Learning intention

We are practising using features to group things.

Success criteria

We can create and use a simple classification key.

Activity 1

Creating your own classification key | Field of Mars EEC (1:44min) | Video transcript | YouTube

How can you create a classification key?

View the Creating your own classification key video.

  • Create a classification key for a group of everyday items.

  • Start with the most obvious features of the item.

  • Move to more specific features as you progress.

  • Remember, each line in the branch must have two choices.

  • Use Jamboard or another app to create your classification key. Use this tool to collaborate with others and build a key together.

Equipment needed

  • A collection of everyday items such as the contents of a pencil case, cooking equipment or pantry items.