Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

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Lesson 1 - Grouping things

Lesson 1 - Grouping things

Learning intention

We are learning about ways of grouping things.

Success criteria

We can group things based on their observable features.

Activity 1

Classifying living things | Field of Mars EEC (1:46min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Why and how do we classify?

Classification is the process of grouping things based on their similarities. We classify things into groups to help us stay organised, keep track of things and be able to make comparisons. It also helps us understand how living things are related throughout history.

View the Classifying living things video to learn about classification.

  • View the video again and name some living things you could group and classify.

Activity 2

What is a classification key?

A classification key or branching key lists features which help us identify what something is or to which group it belongs. When classifying an object or living thing we need to make close observations of its features.

Activity 3

How can we create groups?

  • View the photograph and consider how the leaves could be grouped.

  • Take a close look at each leaf focussing on its features.

  • Consider how you could create groups based on similar features such as colour, size or shape.

  • Download the photograph.

  • Create groups by labelling or annotating the photograph using the tools found in apps such as Photos or Jamboard.

  • View the example of grouped seed pods.

  • How many different ways can you find to group the leaves?

Activity 4

How can we create our own groups?

  • Collect a range of items from where you are.

  • Create groups based on your items features.

  • Take a photo and label or annotate your photograph to show the groups you have created.

  • Share and compare your findings with one or two other students.

Materials needed

  • Natural materials from the ground such as sticks, fallen leaves, seedpods, stones OR

  • Items from home such as cooking utensils.