Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

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Lesson 1 - Animal habitats

Lesson 1 - Animal habitats

Learning intention

We are learning about habitats.

Success criteria

We can identify different types of habitats.

Activity 1

Habitats | Field of Mars EEC (1:45min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Where do animals live?

If an environment has shelter, food and water it can provide a home for living things. This is called a habitat.

The natural environment has lots of different habitats.


  • View the Habitats video.

  • What types of habitats did you see?

Activity 2

Animals and their homes | Field of Mars EEC (0:50min) | YouTube

What types of habitats do animals use?

Different animals live in different habitats that match their needs.


  • Watch the Animals and their homes video.

  • What habitats did the animals live in?

  • Can you think of any other animals that use these habitats?

  • Complete the Google doc Animal habitats.

Activity 3

My backyard bugs | Field of Mars EEC (1:52min) | Video transcript | YouTube

What lives in a garden?

A garden is a type of environment. Gardens are home for lots of small animals.


  • View the My backyard bugs video.

  • Go outside. Look for small animals in a garden.

  • Draw some of the animals you found. Can you find out their names?