Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Schoolyard safari and invertebrates excursion

Schoolyard safari and invertebrates excursion

Science and Technology syllabus 2017

Where do invertebrate and small vertebrate animals live and what are their features?

During this Stage 1 excursion, students investigate the places in which invertebrates and small vertebrate animals live and their role in natural environments. Students will complete a number of sensory activities on a bushwalk through the reserve.

Using simple collection equipment students work cooperatively to investigate what invertebrates live in the branches and what invertebrates live in leaf litter. Special features and adaptations of the invertebrates will be observed up close using an iPad and IWB. Students use paper clay to create small models of invertebrates based on their observations.

Please bring two school tote trays per class so clay models can be taken back to school.

Recommended maximum 6 classes per day.

This program is also available as a 1.5 hour incursion.


  • Field of Mars Reserve