Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

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Lesson 3 - Frog's walk

Lesson 3 - Frog's walk

Learning intention

We are learning how to describe places.

Success criteria

We can draw a simple map.

Activity 1

Frog's walk | Field of Mars EEC (1:29min) | Video transcript | YouTube

Frog's creek walk

  • View the Frog's walk video.
  • Where did Frog go?
  • What did Frog see?
  • What did Frog do?

Activity 2

Mapping Frog's walk I Field of Mars EEC (1:01min) I Video transcript I YouTube

Where does Frog go?

  • View the Mapping Frog's walk video.
  • Take a soft toy for a walk around your school or classroom.
  • Map the places where you and your toy went.