Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Lesson 1 - The needs of people

Lesson 1 - The needs of people

Learning intention

We are learning about the needs of people.

Success criteria

We can identify the basic needs of people.

Activity 1

View the video to learn about activity 1.

Activity 1 | Field of Mars EEC (0:52min) I Video transcript | YouTube

What are the basic needs of living things?

People, animals and plants are living things.
To survive living things need
  • food 
  • water 
  • air
People and animals also need
  • shelter or some type of protection.

What are the basic needs of people?

  • Walk around your classroom or home.
  • Find the items that meet our basic needs.
  • Share with a teacher or adult at home your findings.

Activity 2

View the video to learn about activity 2.

Activity 2 | Field of Mars EEC (2:49min) I Video transcript | YouTube

Bushwalking adventure

To stay safe on a bush walk its important to pack the basic things you need.

  • Draw a backpack
  • In the backpack write or draw the basic things you need to stay safe on a bushwalk.