Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

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Lesson 2 - Features of places

Lesson 2 - Features of places

Learning intention

We are learning to describe natural and human features.

Success criteria

We can describe natural and human features in bushland.

Activity 1

Sit spots | Field of Mars EEC (1:02min) | Video transcript | YouTube

How can we learn about the features of places?

The best way to learn about a place is to visit it.

A sit spot helps us to stop, look, listen and feel.

  • View the Sit spots video.
  • Go outside and do a sit spot.
  • What did you see, hear and feel?

Activity 2

Natural environments | Field of Mars EEC (1:14min) | Video transcript | YouTube

What are the features at Sugarloaf Hill?

Sugarloaf Hill in Lane Cove National Park is a beautiful bushland area with some built features.