Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Collecting invertebrates video transcript

Video transcript

Here we are in the garden and we're going to look for some living things that are found in the soil and the leaf litter. I've got some equipment so that we can safely search for them.

To search for living things in the soil or leaf litter you will need a tray or an old sheet or towel with a white background. You will also need something to dig in the soil with, like a trowel or a shovel.

You will use a paintbrush or a stick to search with so that you are not using your hands. Lastly, you will need a container to collect what you find. This might be a jar or another type of container you have at your place.

To start searching place one to two scoops of soil onto a tray or sheet. Then use a stick or a paintbrush to move the soil or leaf litter around to see if you can find anything moving.

Once you have found something use a container and a paintbrush or a stick to carefully collect the living thing.

When we collect living things we use a code for caring. That means we can't touch them so it can't hurt us and we can't hurt them.

Now we're going to look at the leaves in trees and shrubs to see what lives here. We're going to use a sheet to see this. I'm going to take hold of the branch and give it a good shake.

Then you can observe what you have found.

End of transcript.

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