Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Schoolyard safari incursion program

Teacher checklist


Your school


DoE $16 per student - GST free

2024/25 Non-gov school cost $20 per student - GST free, minimum charge $750

Risk assessment

Risk management plan

COVID-19 safety plan

School preparation 

Please provide one learning space, with a smart board, for all participating classes for the duration of the day. The space needs to accommodate multiple classes. 

Please arrange tables in groups.


Hats, sturdy, closed shoes essential. 

Students wear reusable name tag. Sports uniform recommended. 

Supporting resources

Student activities

Invertebrate Explorer - available free from Apple Books

Fact sheets

Medical or special needs

Notify Field of Mars staff prior to incursion. 

Students, staff and visitors must not attend if unwell, even with mild symptoms. 

Extreme or wet weather

Days predicted to be above 35ºC, high winds, extreme bush fire danger and dust storms may result in the incursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. 


Cancellations with less than four school weeks' notice will incur a $500 administration fee. This does not apply to cancellations due to weather or fire danger.

Suggested timetable for up to six classes



9.30 - 11.00

Classes A and D

11.30 - 1.00

Classes B and E

1.30 - 3.00

Classes C and F

Learning activities

Students investigate the variety of invertebrates that live in the gardens on school grounds and will use a range of equipment to find, capture and study these important animals and observe and learn about their external features.

Inquiry questions

  • Where do invertebrates live? 

  • What are the features of invertebrates?

Invertebrate hunt

Students will work in small groups to search for and collect invertebrates from leaf litter, gardens and trees in the school or local area using equipment provided by Field of Mars teachers. 

Invertebrate identification

Collected specimens will then be examined using personal magnifiers and identified using ID charts. Some of the collected invertebrates may be magnified onto a smart board and features identified with the students. 

Field of Mars EEC staff can photograph any magnified invertebrates and send the images as a link for further examination and study at the request of the classroom teacher.

Syllabus outcomes and content

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus (2017) 


A student:

  • observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas ST1-1WS-S 
  • describes observable features of living things and their environments ST1-4LW-S 

Working scientifically


  • explore and answer questions through participation in guided scientific investigations

  • compare observations with those of others

  • make safe choices when using materials and equipment


External features of living things


  • describe the external features of a variety of living things 

Living things live in different places


  • identify that living things live in different places that suit their needs

Other syllabus links

Learning experiences will also support but not explicitly teach the following outcomes and content:

Geography K-10 Syllabus (2015) 


A student:

  • describes features of places and the connections people have with places GE1-1 
  • communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools for inquiry GE1-3 

Features of places


  • investigate features of places and how they can be cared for, for example:

  • description of the natural and human features of places
  • consideration of how a place can be cared for

Curriculum note - this incursion is aligned with the language, learning models and experiences of the Primary Connections Stage 1 unit Schoolyard Safari.

Science and Technology K-6 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2017

Geography K-10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2015