Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Water environments incursion

Water environments incursion

HSIE geography - 2024 syllabus

What are the natural and human features of nearby water environments?

How do people use and care for the creek and river environments?

Students will walk through thier local water environments. They will observe and describe the natural and human features of these places, how they are used by people and animals and how they can be cared for.

The ways Aboriginal Peoples value water Country and Place will be recognised and acknowledged.

During the incursion students will use a variety of hands-on fieldwork tools and sensory and immersive experiences to collect data such invertebrate hunts, exploring the natural environments and creating a memory map of their day’s journey using natural materials.

Recommended maximum six classes per day (site dependant).

When selecting excursion dates please avoid days with a high tide between 11am and 1pm 2025 tides.

This program is also available as an excursion.


  • Your school and nearby water environments