Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Eucalypt forest

Eucalypt forest


Eucalypt forests have an open tree canopy dominated by eucalypt species. Trees are typically taller than 10 metres with crowns that touch. A tree's crown is made up of the top branches and leaves of a tree. The canopy is made up of the tree crowns. 


Eucalypt forests are found in the majority of climate zones around Australia that receive enough rainfall. This includes equatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate areas that are found around the outer part of Australia.

The climate will affect the type of forest that can grow in an area and the species it contains.


The landscape has an influence on soil depth, exposure to sunlight and moisture availability. Variation in the topography results in different plant habitats and formations of natural environments.


Soil has a significant influence on the species of vegetation that grow in a eucalypt forest. On nutrient poor soils, such as sandy soil, hard and often prickly-leaved plants dominate the understorey. These include banksias, snow wreaths and grass trees. On clay soils, which are generally higher in nutrients, small herbs and grasses often dominate the groundcover layer.


Eucalypt forests support a range of species from the Eucalyptus, Corymbia and Angophora genus groups. These trees provide tree habitats that many species depend on for food, nesting and shelter.

Forests are more than trees. The shrub and ground cover layers also provide vital food and shelter for animals such as small birds, ground dwelling mammals such as wallabies and bandicoots, reptiles and a diversity of invertebrates.


Eucalypt forests are home to a rich diversity of fauna including ringtail possums, water dragons, red-crowned toadlets and red triangle slugs.

There are many simple and complex interactions between animals and plants that take place within this environment.

Tree canopy layer | YouTube | Field of Mars EEC (1:04 min) | Video transcript

Find out more

Eucalypt forest explores the beautiful natural environment of the Australian eucalyptus forest.

Learn about the interactions between plants and animals in the forest and how people can interact with and care for these special natural areas.

Containing a suite of interactive activities, videos and beautiful images, this book will encourage you to go out and explore your local eucalypt forest.

This book is designed by teachers to support the NSW Geography K-10 syllabus and Science and Technology K-6 syllabus.

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