Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Biology fieldwork video 2: Sugarloaf Hill video transcript

Video transcript

Hi I'm Pat one of the teachers at Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre. You're about to come on excursion with us to a place called the Sugarloaf.

This video is to introduce you to the Sugarloaf study site, its location, the terrain and the sorts of vegetations that are found. This sort of information is going to help you plan your investigations and also write up any assessment tasks which may follow on from your excursion.

Okay let's go to Google Earth. The Sugarloaf is part of Lane Cove National Park in East Ryde, Sydney. It's a hill covered in native vegetation sandwiched between the Lane River, Pittwater Road and Buffalo Creek.

Now if we turn on the data layers we can see the four main study sites and the different vegetation types. We will be working mainly in the Coastal Gully Sandstone Forest which is pink in this data layer. And that more or less encircles the Sugarloaf at the same altitude.

The four different study sites differ mainly in the direction that they face. We're going to be doing a lot of comparison between these sites.

You'll be provided with lots of resources about these study sites including a Google map and on that map there are links to photos, historical data and current climate and weather data.

By the way this is what the Coastal Gully Sandstone Forest looks like in real life.

That will do for now. We're looking forward to seeing you on the day of the fieldwork.

End of transcript.


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