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What are myriapods?

Myriapods include centipedes and millipedes as well as some lesser known species such as symphyla. Myriapods have bodies made up of multiple segments, most having pairs of legs. The group contains over 13,000 species, all of which are terrestrial. Centipedes belong to the class Chilopoda and millipedes, Diplopoda.

All myriapods belong to a larger groups of animals called arthropods. This means they have a segmented body covered in an exoskeleton and pairs of jointed limbs.

There are over a million known arthropod species. Arthropods include insects, arachnids, myriapods and crustaceans.

Case study – Centipede


Centipedes are one of the largest terrestrial carnivorous invertebrates with some species reaching 30 centimetres in length. They are characterised by having one pair of legs per body segment. The last pair of legs, often brightly coloured, is used for grasping prey.  


Centipedes are found under rocks and rotting logs, in leaf litter and inside old logs. They rapidly slide under the leaf litter if exposed.

Diet and role in the ecosystem

Invertebrates make up the majority of a centipede's diet. Some larger species have been known to eat reptiles, amphibians, small mammals and birds. 

Centipedes are an important part of the food chain and control other invertebrate populations. They are food for other animals such as birds, reptiles and small mammals. 

Centipede anatomy


The head is flat and is covered in a shield. Centipedes are often blind or have just simple eyes.

They have venom claws just inside their mouth on the underside of the head.

A single pair of antennae are important sense organs used to smell and feel the surrounding environment.


The trunk of a centipede has 15 to 200 segments.

The segments on the trunk have one pair of jointed legs. The number of legs varies between each species from 10 to 300 pairs.

The last pair of legs on a centipede is often brightly coloured and is used to grasp prey.

Find out more

The invertebrate explorer digital book explores the incredible world of Australian invertebrates.

Students can use the book to investigate classification, features, adaptations and habitats of a variety of Australian invertebrates through narrated videos, stunning images, interactive activities and detailed text.

This book was designed by teachers to support the NSW Science and Technology K-6 syllabus and NSW English K-6 syllabus.

Content supports living world, Australian animals and class studies on invertebrates.

Download for free from Apple Books.


Australian Museum. 2019. Centipedes and millipedes. [online] Available at: <>.

CSIRO. Insects and their allies – Chilopoda – centipedes. Online 

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