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Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

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Telephone02 9816 1298

S6 Ecosystem dynamics

Ecosystem dynamics excursion


A Stage 6 fieldwork excursion focusing on skills and content from syllabus module 4 including:

  • Habitat, niche and interactions of the long-nosed bandicoot, focussing esecially of population changes due to human impacts
  • Biotic and abiotic survey comparison of two sites to provide habitat assessment data for the above
  • Hands-on ecological survey methods with in-field data processing and analysis
  • Aanalysis of human impacts and their management

This excursion activities has a very strong focus on the syllabus skills for working scientifically.

Find out about the 2023 program updates here.

Maximum 3 classes per day if using the Buffalo Creek site
Maximum 6 classes if using the Buffalo Creek and Field of Mars sites together


Buffalo Creek Reserve