Field of Mars Environmental Education Centre

Experience Engage Enable

Telephone02 9816 1298

Challenge +

Challenge + excursion

Challenge + is a leadership style excursion that is designed for large Stage 2 groups.

This leadership program focuses on activities that require cooperation, team work and building positive relationships. Students work through a number of challenges and will reflect on leadership.

Students will work in class groups to complete a range of activities including orienteering, fort building and a challenge bushwalk. The day will culminate in a large outdoor game testing the students’ ability to survive!

This program is designed to stretch and challenge students outside the classroom, this action-packed day builds student bonds, displays hidden talents and helps to develop leadership skills.

For leadership style days that are based around small group challenges view Stage 2 Survivor or Stage 3 Kids vs Wild.

Recommended maximum 6 classes per day.


  • Field of Mars Reserve